Dental Bonding or Crowns: Which Is Better for A Chipped Tooth

A chipped tooth isn’t always a sign of major concern, but it’s still important to see a dentist near you as soon as possible to get the right treatment.

But if you’re wondering how a chipped tooth can be treated, this short blog post explores the two most common options: dental bonding and dental crowns.

What Is Dental Bonding? 

Dental bonding is a non-invasive procedure used to improve the appearance of a tooth and even address minor chips and cracks.

It involves taking a special material called dental resin and applying it directly to the tooth. The dentist then shapes and hardens it with a special light. 

Dental bonding can match the natural color of your tooth and provide a seamless chip restoration. 

What Are Dental Crowns? 

Dental crowns are small caps that go over a tooth, usually after it’s been damaged in some way.

The role of a crown is to restore a tooth to its full function and provide a natural look. Modern crowns are custom-made to match your tooth color, shape, and size. 

Differences Between Bonding and Dental Crowns 

Here’s a side-by-side comparison of the major differences between dental bonding and crowns: 

  • Impact on the natural tooth: Dental bonding can be reversed, as the material will not affect the natural tooth. Dental crowns require significant enamel shaving to reduce the size of the natural tooth, which means there’s no going back after getting one.
  • Cost: Dental bonding is more affordable than crowns since the procedure is quicker and simpler, and the dental resin itself is quite inexpensive.
  • Durability: With the right care, dental bonding may last around 6-7 years. Crowns are much more durable, and patients can enjoy them for 10–15 years, maybe even longer.
  • Maintenance: Both crowns and bonding need good oral hygiene to keep their looks. However, dental bonding is known for staining while crowns can be made from stain-resistant materials like porcelain 

What's Best When I Chip My Tooth? 

Minor chips are usually treated with dental bonding, especially if the tooth itself is healthy apart from the small chip. 

But if the damage is more severe and the tooth is dealing with other issues like a large cavity, then a dentist may recommend a dental crown. 

You’ll know for sure which procedure is right for you once you get to your dental appointment for a consultation. 

Repair a Chipped Tooth at Oasis Dental! 

If you’ve chipped one of your teeth, Dr. Paul Ferraro is here to help. Find out if you need dental bonding, a crown, or any other procedure to restore your teeth and keep your smile looking its best. 

Request a visit to Oasis Dental online and stop by our office to discover your options.

If you need more information first, we encourage you to call us at (949) 364-6110. We’d be happy to answer all your questions!

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